February – the last month of summer – is a good time to visit Coral Bay, but only if you enjoy hot weather.
You can expect very hot weather, clear sunny skies and around 10 hours of sunshine daily in February.
How hot is it in Coral Bay in February?
Daytime temperatures usually reach 37°C (98°F) in Coral Bay in February, with high heat and humidity, falling to 24°C (75°F) at night.
What does the humidity feel like in Coral Bay in February?
The average dew point temperature in Coral Bay in February is 19°C (66°F), which can feel humid and unpleasant.
There are on average 20 days in February that may feel humid.
How sunny is it in Coral Bay in February?
There are normally 10 hours of bright sunshine each day in Coral Bay in February – that's around 77% of daylight hours.
Sunrise & sunset in February?
Sunrise is around 6:10am with sunset around 7:00pm.
How warm is the sea around Coral Bay in February?
The average sea temperature at Coral Bay in February is 28°C (82°F), which is excellent for swimming, snorkelling and diving.
Does it rain in Coral Bay in February?
There is usually only two days of rain in Coral Bay during February, with 39mm (1.5in) of rainfall.
How windy is it in Coral Bay in February?
February has an average hourly wind speed of around 21 kilometres per hour (13 mph; 11 knots). The predominant wind direction is from the south.
What to do in Coral Bay in February?
Weather conditions in Coral Bay in February are excellent for watersports activities.
Local holidays?
High Temp: 37°C (98°F) | |
Low Temp: 24°C (75°F) | |
Sunshine: 10 hours per day | |
13 |
Daylight: 13 hours per day |
Wind speed: 21 km/h (13 mph; 11 knots) | |
Rainfall: 39 mm (1.5 in) | |
Wet Days: 2 day with some rain | |
Comfort Level: High heat; ≤ 20 muggy days | |
UV Index: Very high |
Sea Temp: 28°C (82°F) | |
Coral Bay, Western Australia |
The best time to visit Coral Bay is from April to October when the days are warm and sunny with little or no rainfall.
Summer, from December to February, is hot and windy with average high temperatures of 36°C (96°F), but often soaring beyond 40°C (104°F).
Winter, from June to August, sees an average high of 25°C (77°F), while spring and autumn average 32°C (89°F).
This region of Western Australia experiences a year-round subtropical climate with sunny, clear blue skies.
Source: Meteorological data for Coral Bay is based on weather statistics gathered for the 30-year period 1991 to 2020 by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) from the closest weather station: Learmonth Airport, located 105km (65mi) by road, northeast of Coral Bay. This station is deemed sufficiently nearby to be relied upon as the primary source for historical climate records, although weather conditions in Coral Bay may vary slightly. Dew point temperature measures moisture content in the atmosphere: a higher dew point feels more humid, while a lower dew point feels drier.
Latest update: February weather in Coral Bay, WA: 12 June, 2024
Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. weather data and conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable. We assume no responsibility and can not be held legally responsible for any decisions made on the basis of the information presented on this site.